
The Master’s Degree in PERFORMANCE PRACTICES OF THE RENAISSANCE REPERTOIRE is divided into the following areas: Ensemble Concertation, Renaissance Keyboards, Renaissance Singing, Renaissance Instruments (Cornetto - Trombone - Lute - Renaissance Flutes - Viole d’arco). 

The lessons will take place during the academic year 2022-2023, two weekends a month starting from March 2023 (Friday afternoon - Sunday morning), with a ten-day intensive stage during the summer period aimed at preparing of two productions: one dedicated to Isabelle d’Este’s Canzoniere, the other to De Kerle’s Missa de Beata Virgine, with related recordings.

The Master will be held in agreement with the organology workshop promoted by the Gennaioli Foundation in Anghiari, aimed at studying and restoring the Renaissance instruments, that will be used in the Master’s productions, co-produced by the Foundation.

The enrolment fee for the Master’s course is set at € 1,900 (one thousand nine hundred). 10 Merit-based scholarships will be awarded on the basis of a merit ranking relating to the admission exam.

Admission exam: free programme (maximum duration 20 minutes).

The Master will be held in the city of Feltre with internships in Anghiari and other locations of historical instruments.

Agreed accommodation will be available for participants.

The Master will be activated when the minimum total number of 15 students is reached. Each course will be activated with a minimum number of 5 students.